By Thea Theresa English

Best gifts to give your one year old girl

A girl's first birthday is a milestone, and as you're planning the birthday celebration, you and extended relatives are probably wondering what would make great gifts for her. One gift you can give is the gift of financial security. Open a savings account in her name and contribute to it every pay period throughout her life. By the time she is out of high school, she will have the necessary funds to start college.

Photo sessions

Another great gift for the one-year-old girl is to take her to a local photographer where she can have beautiful pictures taken on her birthday. Your daughter might not have much interest in the photos now, but years later you can show the pictures to her and she will enjoy them. This is also one of the best times to dress her in an extra-cute outfit.

Scrapbook of memories

Find a creative way to use the photos and items you collected during your daughter's first year of life. Make a beautiful scrapbook full of her pictures, and on the first page, write a short note to her stating how much you love and appreciate her. Write about the funny moments that happened when the photos in the book were taken.

Personalized dinner plate and cup

Most one-year-olds are eating solid and table foods, and they have become skilled at drinking out of cups. A practical but sentimental gift is a personalized dinner plate and cup with the girl's first and last name on them. This is a fun way for her to learn to recognize her name. Whenever you give her the plate and cup, pronounce her name slowly but in an animated voice.

Board picture books

These picture books are great gifts because they are visually appealing and educational. Look for board books that teach concepts such as the alphabet, numbers, shapes and colors, and parts of the body. Read these books to your daughter regularly and once she enters preschool, she will have a head start.

Stud earrings

If your daughter just got her ears pierced, you can buy some diamond stud earrings that are not too big. Get a pair that goes well with both her casual and dressy outfits. As she gets older, you can save those earrings as a keepsake to put in her scrapbook.

Seasonal clothes

One-year-old girls outgrow clothes quickly, so give your niece or granddaughter a new set of clothes for the upcoming season. If her birthday is in the summer, you can buy her fall and winter clothes so that the parents will have one less expense over the next two to three months.

Hair salon visit

Mothers love to give their daughters cute hairstyles, so you can give your daughter a beautiful look for her birthday by bringing her to the salon. If your daughter isn't too distracted or squirmy, the stylist can figure out which hairstyle works best and style accordingly. Be sure to take plenty of glam shots afterwards.

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