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Can two people of the same zodiac sign live together?

For many years, people have heard of the old saying that opposites attract, and a greater truth has never been known. However, people have also wondered what it would be like if they dated themselves or, to put a finer point on it, what it be like if they dated and was living with someone within their zodiac sign.

While some believe that it is a good idea to live with a mirror image of themselves, it would ultimately be a bad idea. Some of the reasons are obvious, while some of them are not, but people of the same zodiac sign cannot live together. Here is why.

Same ideals

Two people of the same zodiac sign cannot live together because they have the same ideals. It is enough to assume that they would think alike as well. The worst part about this is that having the same ideals means that everything they do would mirror each other.

An example of this is if one person is wronged by their spouse or significant other, they would likely do something like giving them the silent treatment or closing themselves up in a room for hours, and their significant other would do the same thing, hence nothing would get solved.


An obvious reason why two people within the same zodiac sign cannot live together is their predictability factor, it would keep them at odds with one another, so much so to the point where they would be driven mad by how much they think alike.

Two Libras are ideal examples; many Libras feel that the only way to deal with someone who has offended them is to give them the silent treatment and distance themselves. The predictability would eventually cause them to break up. Sagittarius is a zodiac sign that dislikes clingy people, what do you think would happen if they dated another Sagittarius?

Lack of compromise

Lack of compromise can and have been the breaking point of many people who live together, especially those within the same zodiac sign – a Taurus dating another Taurus can find themselves refusing to compromise their beliefs in some regards; child-rearing is a shining example of this.

Relationship doomed to failure

These are words that couples within the same zodiac sign do not want to hear, but there are some who welcome it. Two people within the same zodiac sign cannot live together because the relationship would be doomed to failure with little hope of survival.

Arguably, talking out the differences between the two people might give the relationship a small fighting chance of survival, but even the consideration of that would be happenstance at best. Two people within the same zodiac sign cannot live together because the relationship would not last.

Although it is not impossible for two people within the same zodiac sign to live together, it would mean that they cannot and should not date, otherwise the foundation of the relationship will crumble, which has been known to happen. There would be too much conflict between the two people.

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