Category: Human Resources

Balancing Millennial expectations in relation to the older Boomers is one of translating perspectives. These two generations are the largest

When someone resigns from your organization, you still have a responsibility for the former employee's file. One reason to maintain

The federal law that establishes minimum wage, overtime pay rules and child labor standards is the Fair Labor Standards Act

Terminating an employee is a grievous experience for both parties. It is one of the hardest and most cold-hearted tasks

Employee engagement entails more than ensuring employees are happy while on the job. Engaged employees possess an emotional commitment to

Having employees feel valued should always be a top priority. When people feel appreciated, they usually will want to stay

Respect in the workplace, or the lack of it, is a major issue for human resource officers (HROs). The bottom

Working as a team can be challenging; you have to deal with the team’s multiple personalities, questions on how to

Tired of the office and dreaming of working from home? You begin investigating LinkedIn and Indeed, and you find a

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