Category: Entertainment

A person hears a song on the radio or at a concert. Being a musician herself, she would like to

There are many reasons to bring music into a child’s life. Learning how to play an instrument, like piano, is

The rise of the smartphone industry and the growing number of start-up app developers has managed to drive the popularity

Censorship is a tricky word to throw around. Just hearing the word sparks defensive attitudes in people because the word

As the obesity rate grows worldwide there is an ever increasing concern that adults and children are not active enough,

Think about your favorite scene from a movie or television show. Then think about famous scenes constantly referenced, whether humorously

Walter Cronkite. Barbara Walters. Anderson Cooper. These are notorious newscasters well known for reporting on tough news stories. The public

Do you ever sit down and watch a show and before you know it you have been watching that show

There are many varieties of television shows to choose from these days. From the land of Westeros to a post-apocalyptic

"Freeeeeeedom!!" cries Mel Gibson in Braveheart. And when many people think of Scottish people, and their fight for freedom, they

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