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Discover garden water sprinkler maintenance

In order to maintain a garden's attractive appearance, every single component must be working. Aside from the usual decorations and landscapes found in your patio, the irrigation system must be in perfect condition in order to assure that there will be no water outage for the plants to keep the soil as moist as possible.

The one beneficial way of assuring a perfectly conditioned irrigation system is to maintain the garden sprinklers. The small water-spraying devices are the ones responsible for keeping the plants alive and in top condition.

Maintaining the garden sprinklers and saving water may sound like an extra task, but it will save you enough energy and money in the long run. Here are a few things you can do in order to keep your sprinklers up and running.

Tips on how to maintain your garden sprinklers

Some sprinklers are made for certain multiple tasks, while others are just specified to only one. That is why knowing how to take care of them is an important task that you should know if you want to spare yourself from spending money on buying new ones.

1. Always test the system.

This is better done by someone who is familiar with sprinkler connections and valves. Testing how the entire system works is very recommended, since it will show all the possible defects and will grant the garden and lawn owners the time to have them fixed without wasting more water.

2. Check how the sprinkler works.

After testing the internal water system, it is recommended to run the sprinkler per zone and check how it works. Aside from that, also use this time to check on other possible issues with the sprinkling device itself.

3. Always clean sprinklers up.

Like any other appliance, cleaning the garden sprinklers is necessary to ensure they are working properly. Most of the dirty things known to human are located outside your garden. The nozzles and heads can clog up if not taken care of.

4. Install rain sensors.

The rain sensors are said to automatically turn off garden sprinklers as soon as the water hits one-fourth inch. The sensor will then only enable the sprinklers once the soil's moist level drops and becomes basically dry again.

Saving water

Water garden sprinklers can seriously raise your water bill. Fortunately, there are a few tips you can follow not only to save water, but also save a couple dollars so you can keep them in your pocket.

  • Select smaller plants instead of big ones.
  • Keep the soil's condition in mind.
  • Be aware of plants with "waterproof" leaves.
  • Avoid excessive watering of the plant.
  • Choose your flower pot accordingly.
  • Be aware of the weather forecast.
  • Harvest reusable water from rain.
  • Use a manual and traditional water sprinklers every other day to avoid too much water consumption.
  • Recycle water from aquariums.

In conclusion, it is ideal to understand how garden sprinklers work and how they can help you to maintain an attractive garden.

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