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By Thea Theresa English

Here is how you can avoid being overwhelmed as a stay-at-home mom

Being a stay-at-home mom comes with tremendous rewards, but there are times when you feel overwhelmed by your daily duties, and life with the kids gets stale. Sometimes, it seems that you never get a break from your roles as a mom and homemaker, and you are thirsty for strategies that will make things less stressful. Another reason you might experience burnout is because of unrealistic expectations you have of yourself as a mom. Here are tips to help when you get overwhelmed as a stay-at-home mom.

Set aside date nights during the week

One of the best ways to get out your mommy rut is to reconnect with your spouse through date nights during the week. Purchase some sexy lingerie and casual outfits along with cute accessories so you can look and feel confident when going out on the dates. In the days leading up to the date night, write a steamy letter to your partner outlining your fantasies and how you want them to be fulfilled.

Squeeze in a little exercise

Perhaps you feel bad that you do not have the thin frame you used to be proud of prior to having children. It is not too late to begin a healthier lifestyle, and you can start by exercising daily. You do not need to hit the gym for workouts because, thanks to Youtube and fitness-based cable networks, you can exercise at home. Other forms of exercise include playing tag with the kids, jumping rope, swimming and jogging at the park.

Get some intellectual stimulation

If your conversations have become mostly about potty training or the latest episode of "Peppa Pig," it is time to return to adult intellectual stimulation. I like to listen to podcasts during the day and they discuss topics such as American history, religion, social issues, and career advice. You can also visit the library and check out books as this is a free way to exercise the brain.

Switch the schedule

It is important for families to have a routine but that does not mean you can add a little pizzazz to it. If you cook from scratch most of the time, why not designate Friday or Saturday evenings as no-cook night? You can order takeout and get a break from cooking. Or, if you usually take the kids to the nearby park at 11 a..m. but lately they have been interested in gardening, you can switch activities to accommodate their interests.

Call the village members

It has been said that it takes a village to raise a child, and this is especially true for stay at home moms who feel overwhelmed. Your village members might be in-laws, parents, siblings, cousins and close friends. Your dad can take the kids out to lunch while you get housework done or your older sister can come and help you with the kids' homework if you are not skilled in a certain subject.

In conclusion, being a stay-at-home mom gets stressful at times but with these tips, you can thrive and enjoy your life with your family.

Article sources

How to Stay Sane As A Stay at Home Mom

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