By Thea Theresa English

How you can succeed at self-publishing

Self-publishing is on the rise as more authors are growing weary of the constant rejections from mainstream publishers. If you are an author whose ideas are unique, you should consider this option. In previous years self-publishing has been difficult, but thanks to the Internet you can now use digital platforms to publish ebooks on your own. This gives you more creative control over your work and there is the potential for huge profits, depending on what you write about.

Choose the right ebook platform for your book

Self-published authors have several ebook platforms to choose from. One of the most popular is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. With this platform authors can enter their books in the program's lending library. The author gets paid each time his book is borrowed from the lending library. There is also Smashwords, a platform that allows you to have your ebooks sold on a variety of online outlets.

Develop a strong marketing plan

With self-publishing you will not have an established marketing team behind you, so you will need to be proactive about this. Once you publish your book you can promote it by posting links to excerpts or chapters from the book on your blog. This would especially work if you represent a certain niche. For example, if you're a midwife and maintain a blog about natural childbirth, you can post links to a chapter of a book you wrote on this topic. You can also make guest appearances on local podcasts that pertain to your book's topics.

Hire an editor to look over your work

Just like in traditional publishing, self-published authors should hire an editor to look over their work for factual accuracy, proper formatting and grammatical correctness. This is important because you want your book to be the best it can be so it can succeed in the marketplace.

Localize your promotion

One of the best strategies for getting your books noticed is to localize your promotion. Visit local libraries, schools, childcare centers, community centers and bookstores to present copies of your book. Seek out speaking sessions at local literary events, which will give you a lot of local exposure.

Research your target audience

This is essential in publishing because trends change frequently and you don't want to write books that have no connection with or relevance to your target audience. For example, if your target audience is stay-at-home moms who work from home, you might write an ebook on how they can best manage their time and achieve work-life balance.

Get help from a graphic designer

Your book cover and inside graphics should stand out from the competition, and this can be achieved by hiring a graphic designer. Tell the designer what your vision is for the book and how you want it reflected in the cover art.

Self-publishing may have gotten easier in recent years, but hard work is still important if you intend to succeed. Support from loved ones is also helpful in achieving your goals.

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