By Thea Theresa English

Information on your baby's growth spurts

You are finally getting your baby down to a reasonable schedule when suddenly things change in the baby's behavior. What you are probably seeing is a growth spurt. Growth spurts happen mostly during the first year of a baby's life but can extend into the toddler years. It's nothing to be alarmed about. These spurts generally last a few days. Here are ways to determine if growth spurts are taking place:

Sudden increase in desire for food

If your baby's appetite seems to be unusually high these days, it could mean that he's experiencing a growth spurt. Because he is growing so fast, his appetite increases. Be sure to feed your baby the right kinds of solid foods, such as pureed fruits and vegetables. You might also need to give more milk.

More nighttime waking

Another sign of a growth spurt is the numerous times your baby will wake up at night and from his naps. One reason for the nighttime waking could be a desire for food, but it could also be because he is excited about the new skills he's acquired and would prefer to work on these skills than sleep for hours at night.

Here come the fussies

Another sign of a growth spurt is the baby's unusually cranky attitude. Give your baby lots of hugs and kisses whenever he gets cranky, and this should subside after a few days. Also make sure that she gets her regular feedings ro reduce the fussiness.

Look at how big my baby is getting!

If you bought a few outfits just weeks ago and now your baby needs new ones, this is a sign of a growth spurt. Be sure not to buy too many clothes in a certain size, since your baby might only be able to wear them for a short while.

His brain is getting bigger

Another main spurt is when your baby's brain size increases. This coincides with the increase in cognitive skills, especially if he is an older baby who is on his way to becoming a toddler soon.

How you can cope with the growth spurts

You will need plenty of patience when dealing with your baby's growth spurts. You might not like having to get up a few times in the middle of the night for feedings, but see these times as opportunities for helping your baby develop well physically and mentally. His crankiness gets on your nerves but realize that he has not developed the ability to process emotions like adults.

Growth spurts are necessary for babies because they enable them to grow into mature persons later in life. Talk with your pediatrician about growth spurts and get additional advice on how to handle them. Also speak with other mothers on the topic so you will be well informed.

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