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By Kelsey Grindstaff

Keys to maintaining friendships

Our friendships are some of our most important assets. Our friends are the ones who are there for us when we are sick. They laugh with us, cry with us, do whatever they can to help us through our most trying times. Sometimes, though, when life is going very well, we forget about our friends. We don't do it on purpose; that is just how it works. We should always be working on our friendships, and it takes a constant effort. I hope that I am able to help you with a few tips and reminders.

It is not necessary to connect every day; however, it is necessary to connect sometimes. Have you ever been called by a friend who says, "You know that phones work both ways, right?" What are they trying to say? They believe you don't make enough of an effort to connect with them, so they have to do all the work. This is not how to maintain a good relationship.

Do not always wait to be the one called, e-mailed or sent snail mail. Surprise your friends. Write a letter. (People love letters, and hardly anyone sends them anymore.) Call, if even for just a short chat. Send a text. People want to feel like they have been thought about. Don't make them feel as if they do all the work in the relationship.

Do not ONLY talk to your friends about your problems or about needing help. Yes, friends are the ones who are always there for you. If you only want your friends to help you, however, they will most likely start distancing themselves from you. Your friend is not your slave. You do not own your friend.

Be there for your friend. Especially if we are prone to only talking to our friends when we need something from them, we also end up ignoring them or shrugging off their problems when they come to us. This is not OK. I know that we all know that person who just uses people; I am not talking about them. If your friend, though, has been there for you, you should be there for your friend in time of need. This does not mean that you must do everything for them. Just simply offering moral support can often be enough; however, if you are able to do help, you should.

Don't just appreciate your friends in your head. Show them your appreciation. Thank them for that time they came and helped you move. Thank them for watching your kids when you went to visit your mom in the hospital. Thank them simply for always being there for you.

You don't necessarily have to thank them face to face. Remember, people really do like letters and cards. Write them a letter if that helps you. Even a quick thank you is better than no thank you. As much as you want to be acknowledged for the things that you do, so do your friends. Let's not take our friends for granted.

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