By Thea Theresa English

Managing your life when you have baby triplets

Life with one baby is hard at times, but when you have baby triplets, it gets challenging. One thing you can do is find other mothers of triplets through your church, local support groups in the community or through social media. This gives you the opportunity to develop friendships and seek valuable advice from others in your situation. Another thing you should do is purchase your main baby supplies such as diapers, wipes and formula in bulk at wholesale stores, since during the first few months, your triplets will go through these quickly. Here are additional tips.

Seek and accept extra help

You will have your hands full when caring for triplets, and you will need all the assistance you can get. When relatives offer to babysit your older children for the weekend, run errands, do some housecleaning and prepare meals for the rest of the week. Accept their help so that you can relax with your babies. Ask your spouse and older children to take on some of the household duties that you normally do during the first few weeks after birth. You need this time to rest and bond with the triplets.

Set up emergency fund

Since the expenses for raising triplets add up, it would be a good idea to set up an emergency fund. This is especially helpful if your health insurance does not cover certain medicines or procedures that relate to yourself or the triplets. Or, should your spouse lose his job, you will have adequate funds to cover you until he finds a new one.

Purchase the best stroller for triplets

When buying a stroller for triplets, you need to find one that will not be a pain to use and transport in and out the car. While your budget should be a consideration when purchasing a triplet stroller, don't settle for a cheap model that will not be the most efficient. Research different brands and read some reviews before making a purchase. If you will take the kids on long walks or trips, a sturdy stroller would be the best. Side-by-side strollers are great for babies who enjoy sightseeing but the drawback is that these are difficult to move around and store in the house. Lightweight triple strollers are also available.

What about breastfeeding?

It is possible to breastfeed your triplets successfully. It helps to meet with a lactation consultant because she can help you with the process. Another thing you can do is to not hurry into a feeding schedule because during the first few months it is best to feed the babies as soon as you sense the cues that they are hungry. Other lactation experts say that you can sit on the floor and have the baby who is not feeding on a soft blanket while you nurse the other two babies.

Life with baby triplets will not be an easy task, but with support from others and these practical tips, you can succeed and be an excellent mom to your triplets.

Article sources

What It Is Like Having Triplets

The First Months With Twins/Multiples

Your First Year With Twins or Multiples

Triplet Stroller Buying Guide

10 tips for breastfeeding multiples

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