By Catherine Barron

Niche and brand have distinct differences

Entrepreneurs or start-up businesses often confuse their concept of services and performance they offer in the content of their websites. Admittedly so, as it is not always easy to distinguish or define what exactly you are intending to provide and to whom; e.g., people overlap or confuse these components. Therefore, one has to be clear about what and who they are offering services to and how they are going to go about delivering what they offer. In other words, "What makes your business uniquely different or better than your competitor?"

For instance, the niche of your business concept should consist of two basic elements: who and what; thus, it is not the same as your brand. Your niche boils down to being your employment identification or your specific service, to which you are inclined and best suited for rendering. It should tell who your targeted market is and the specific area of expertise you will help them solve, while including the results you will help them achieve.

On the other hand, your personal brand indicates the authentic style you bring to your market and your service. For example, branding is the element that distinguishes you from your competitors by indicating why you provide the service and why people should come to you instead of someone else. It demonstrates the value and authenticity you bring to your service and how you perform in solving the needs and problems of your targeted market.

In other words, the niche and brand statements not only direct a market toward your business in allowing potential customers to understand what it is exactly you are providing but, how you will go about achieving the results they are seeking. It also allows the owner of the business to eliminate customers who do not fall under the category of service you provide and attract only those who are sincerely interested. This saves both you and your potential customer loads of time needed to attend to important matters. Thus, it leaves little discussion for disagreement on the services provided from the initial start and a healthy interaction between seller and buyer.

Here are both niche and brand questions you should ask yourself when clarifying your business intent:

1. Who do you help?
2. What do you help them with?
3. What results can they expect to achieve?

1. Define who you are.
2. How you will go about solving their needs.
3. The authentic and valuable style of intent you bring to your service in solving their problems.

Although different experts may have slightly different words and elements that prove to be helpful in defining a niche and brand, most experts are in agreement: If you follow the helpful tips, you cannot go wrong in getting off to a good solid start. Without a clear intent of service and a targeted market, it may be pretty difficult to attract your "perfect customer" or "client."

Remember that success is brought about with focused intent.

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