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By Justin M

The importance of mentors in building your personal brand


Mentors are a great way to help build your personal brand. Over time, this is one of the best ways to get feedback on your performance. In today’s economy, having a personal brand is essential. The old rules of success no longer apply. Workers today must show how they can add value to their place of employment. Mentors can teach you how to apply your skills in the market and thereby become more valuable to companies.

Personal branding

Building a personal brand takes a lot of time and hard work. There are many people who struggle in this area. A personal brand is something that shows off your best strengths. Understanding areas in which you can improve is also important. When you have a mentor, you can show different ways in which you excel in the workplace. Having someone there to provide feedback is an invaluable part of building a working relationship. Far too many people struggle in this area, and when your boss asks how you add value you should have an answer. There are a lot of people who cannot explain how their job adds value to the company. In today’s connected world, you are who you hang around with. Having a strong network is more important than ever, and a mentor is the perfect person to help advance your career.

Finding a mentor

Asking someone to be your mentor is not the way to start out a relationship. If you have someone you are close to at work, start by asking their advice on how you can improve your work performance. Quality feedback is rare in the workplace today, and having feedback from someone who wants the best for you is essential. Over time, this is a great way to hone your skill set and to add value to those around you. Instead of worrying about what others think of you, simply ask your mentor how you can improve your performance and add more value to your place of work. Your current network is probably the best place for you to find a mentor.

Building a brand online

In today’s economy, your online brand is an essential part of your development as a worker. There are a lot of people who struggle with building their personal brand. You need to show all of your most recent projects and success stories on your online profile. A recruiter should be able to see ways in which you have added value to your current place of employment. Many people today do not take the time to work on their personal brand, and over the long term this costs them dearly. Anyone who is looking to take the next step in their career should starting building an online portfolio. Having a mentor is a great way to get ahead in your career. They can help to show you areas where you are strong and weak, and they can provide feedback and advice on how you can get better as a worker.

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