By MelGoochk

The World Is Too Hot for Another Cold War

I sat on my mother's shoulders. President Nixon was running for re-election. We were in a hangar at O'Hare airport in Chicago in 1972. It was packed with enthusiastic supporters. I remember feeling as if I had seen a king. It was quite a field trip for an eight-year-old, and I remember decorating my bedroom door with his buttons and ribbons and stickers when I returned home. I was a part of the political movement in my country from then on.

Then came Nixon's impeachment. At that time, there was such patriotism and honor in our country that the President knew when it was time to step down from his office and do what was best for the people. In spite of Watergate, he did the right thing. That seems to be something that simply does not happen anymore. The word "impeachment" – referring to Trump – has been breathlessly whispered in private circles, but with no real action or evidence as of yet.

While day after day we hear new revelations of meetings that took place during the election with the Trump election campaign and various players from Russia, there is no honor evident in our President. In fact, it is beginning to be difficult to keep up with all the actors in this play, because they keep walking off stage. Demanding loyalty is not appearing to be one of our President's best qualities.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has supported Trump since the beginning of the election, and he continues to remain loyal in spite of the President's disturbing behavior toward him. The Attorney General plans to stay in his position in spite of Trump's comments. Trump believes Mr. Sessions should never have recused himself from the Russia case.

New sanctions have recently been imposed on Russian companies, which has definitely caused friction between Trump and Putin. Moscow is referring to the sanctions as a trade war. Trump was not in agreement with the sanctions imposed, and he has questioned whether they interfere with foreign policy.

Putin announced Sunday that as his way of fighting back against the sanctions, 755 members of the United States Diplomatic Mission must leave Russia. This should make it clear that there is no friendship between the two world leaders. Perhaps at one time Putin thought he would fare better with Trump, but he failed to remember that Congress can act nearly independently of the President.

As long as there is a Democrat with breath left in his or her body, there will be accusations of collusion between President Trump and Russia. It is impossible for the Democratic party to admit the defeat of Hillary Clinton, or to accept that it was via a fair election. The United States and Russia have been involved in the hottest Cold War in history since Trump was elected.

The heat from the current Cold War may end up setting more than the press and the White House on fire if those involved are not careful. Each player is a major actor in the Middle East, and most do not quite know on which side. Too many sanctions, one wrong move or one wrong word be the last cold day.

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