By Bryant Lloyd

Tips on how to earn real money from music

To one day earn money from music is every musician's dream. Though securing a lucrative deal with a big time label is the goal for many musicians, the contracts these organizations give artists are designed to keep the artists in debt and put a lot of pressure on the artists to sell as much music as possible. This often leads many musicians to compromise their music to match what they believe the audience wants. This can put a lot of stress on the musician, as doing what they love has now become a chore, and now instead of making music for the love of the craft, they create to keep their heads above water. No more. This article will outline three ways artists can earn from their music now without a deal and with minimum resources.


Music licensing is the most direct way for an artist to earn from their music. Licensing music is when the owner, more specifically the copyright holder of a piece of music, gives a company the right to use the copyrighted work in other forms of media including movies, TV shows, commercials and even video games. This method will take some effort, as musicians will have to reach out and make connections with music supervisors, publishers or both. This can seem intimidating, but it is not as hard as some artists may think and can be very lucrative for them.


Performing at local showcases is the most effective way for artists to get their face out onto the musical scene in their area. These showcases often offer great reward packages for the top performers, usually including free marketing and even cash prizes. However, for the dedicated artist that can develop a killer performance, a lot more opportunities will arise. Most of the DJs and hosts at these showcases are likely to be plugged into the local party scene as well, and if an artist is able to grab enough attention, these individuals will offer artists compensation to perform at their events. To prepare for this, artists should already have a set price in their mind for their performance. This will allow artists to establish their own value instead of someone doing it for them.


Though it is not selling music, the money earned from merchandising is a direct result of an artist's fan base and musical talent. This is the number one source of income for many independent artists all over and can prove to be very effective branding strategy when utilized properly. CDs, T-shirts and hats are among the most popular merchandise to sell at showcases or any venue where an artist is able to perform. Artists who set up an online store can make the most of their merchandising efforts by offering their products on a larger scale for minimum overhead.

These are only a few of many ways musicians can be paid for their music. In this day and age, there are several resources that artists can utilize to monetize their musical ability while remaining independent. Knowledge and creativity are the independent artist's best friend. Follow and learn from other independent musicians who have made it big and gain inspiration. The sky is really the limit for those who decide to take full control of their careers. For those who still have the goal of being signed, they may find their efforts rewarded with attention from the big music labels. What better way to prove that you can earn the company money than by first earning money for yourself?

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