By Mehrnaz Siavoshi

Top 50 words to know for the AP Spanish exam

By the time you are sitting down to take the AP Spanish language and culture exam, you likely have taken anywhere from two to five years of Spanish. Throughout the years, you have learned countless vocabulary words, from the basics of describing yourself to the various food groups and even travel words.

Here is a list of 50 AP Spanish vocabulary words to add to your repertoire and push you one step closer to a five! Each word is followed by a short sentence showing how it is used in a natural context.

Transition Words

One of the most daunting aspects of the exam are the two written tasks. These transition words can be used in your essays and are a great addition to an AP Spanish vocabulary list.

1. No obstante – nevertheless

Hay mucha nieve afuera, no obstante, es cálido por dentro.

There is a lot of snow outside, nevertheless, it is warm inside.

2. Por lo tanto – therefore

Quiero obtener un 5 en mi examen de AP Spanish, por lo tanto voy a estudiar todos los


I want to get a 5 on my AP Spanish exam, therefore I will study every day.

3. Desarrollar – to develop

Planeo que desarrollar tres puntos.

I plan to develop three points.

4. De hecho – in fact

De hecho, hay muchos cambios en nuestro tecnológia.

In fact, there are a lot of changes in our technology.

5. En cambio – in contrast

Yo, en cambio, preferiría un gato, no un perro.

I, in contrast, would prefer a cat, not a dog.

6. En realidad – actually

En realidad, los cambios no son tan mal.

In reality, the changes are not that bad.

7. Además – moreover

Este cuadro tiene muy colores y además es muy expresivo.

This painting has a lot of colors and moreover is very expressive.

8. En pocas palabras – in short/in a few words

Quiero contarte la historia en pocas palabras.

I want to tell you the story in a few words.

9. Por otro lado – on the other hand

Es una casa bonita, por otro lado está en una calle ruidosa.

It's a pretty house, on the other hand it is on a loud street.

10. Por supuesto – of course

Por supuesto es importante que estudiar.

Of course it is important to study.

11. Por ejemplo – for example

Hoy, por ejemplo, el clima es nublado.

Today, for example, the weather is cloudy.

12. Ambos – both

Ambos chicos quieren ser doctores.

Both boys want to be doctors.

13. Igualmente – similarly

Las dos soluciones son igualmente razonables.

The two solutions are equally reasonable.

Theme Words

The AP Spanish Language exam is centered around six main themes and there are certain vocabulary words that are important to know for each.

Global Challenges

14. La natalidad – birthrate

La natalidad no ha cambiado desde tres años.

The birthrate has not changed for three years.

15. El pronóstico – forecast

La pronóstico económica para España muestra crecimiento.

The economic forecast for Spain shows growth.

16. La población – population

Está estudiando la población de México.

He is studying the population of Mexico.

17. El desafío – challenge

El hambre es uno de los desafíos mundiales.

Hunger is one of the global challenges.

18. Infraestructura – infrastructure

Es importante que un país construya su infraestructura.

It is important for a country to build its infrastructure.

Science and Technology

19. Predecir – to predict

Es difícil predecir los cambios en la ciencia.

It is difficult to predict changes in science.

20. La informática – computer science

La informática es un campo en crecimiento.

Computer science is a growing field.

21. El sitio – website

El sitio tiene un diseño muy fácil de usar.

The website has an easy to use design.

22. Los avances científicos – scientific advancements

La salud ha sido ayudado por los avances científicos.

Healthcare has been helped by scientific advancements.

23. El progreso – progress

Eso será un verdadero progreso.

That would be a real progress.

Contemporary Life

24. El crimen – crime

El crimen es una problema grave de las sociedades modernas.

Crime is a serious problem in modern societies.

25. El desempleo – unemployment

Los políticos quieren reducir el desempleo.

Politicians want to reduce unemployment.

26. Trabajo comunitario – community work

El grupo de estudiantes está haciendo trabajo comunitario.

The group of students is doing community work.

27. Pobreza – poverty

Algunas personas viven en absoluta pobreza.

Some people live in absolute poverty.

Personal and Public Identities

28. Autoestima – self-esteem

Autoestima aplica no sólo a las mujeres, sino también a los hombres.

Self-esteem applies not only to women but also to men.

29. Creencias personales – personal beliefs

A veces es difícil cambiar las creencias personales.

Sometimes it is hard to change personal beliefs.

30. El filántropo – philanthropist

Ella es un filántropo de los derechos humanos.

She is a philanthropist for human rights.

31. Líder – leader

El es un líder naturalmente.

He is a natural leader.

32. Identidad étnica – ethnic identity

Los mexicanos se preocupan mucho por su identidad étnica.

Mexicans care a lot about their ethnic identity.

Families and Communities

33. Los valores – values

No son solamente valores hispanos, son valores universales.

They are not only Hispanic values, they are universal values.

34. Patrimonio – heritage

Su patrimonio es muy importante para ella.

Her heritage is important for her.

35. Las raíces – roots

Echan raíces en su nuevo comunidad.

They put down roots in their new community.

36. Portarse bien – behave well

Los padres deben enseñar a sus hijos a portarse bien.

Parents must teach their children to behave well.

Beauty and Aesthetics

37. Moda – style

Cada persona necesita que define su propio moda.

Every person needs to define their own style.

38. Agraciada – attractive

Los personas en las revistas son agraciadas.

The people in the magazines are attractive.

39. Tratamiento – treatment

Algunas personas buscan tratamientos para el acné.

Some people look for treatments for acne.

40. La armonía – harmony

Necesito armonía en mi casa.

I need harmony in my home.

41. El equilibrio – balance

Esta pintura tiene un buen equilibrio de luz y oscuridad.

This painting has a good balance of light and dark.

Power Verbs

Tired of using the same verbs every other sentence? Well, guess what, so are the exam graders. Put these verbs on your AP Spanish vocabulary list to add richness and uniqueness to your writing and speaking.

42. Señalar – to point out

El señaló su nuevo corte de pelo.

He pointed out her new haircut.

43. Adquirir – to acquire

Su tienda adquirió varias libros nuevos.

Her store acquired various new books.

44. Soler – to be accustomed to

Yo solí al clima cálido.

I got accustomed to the warm weather.

45. Merecer – to deserve

Este logro merece atención especial.

This accomplishment deserves special attention.

46. Perdurar – to remain

Cultura rural y antigua perdura en partes de Perú.

Ancient rural culture remains in parts of Peru.

47. Destacar – to stand out

Es un hombre que destaca por su altura.

He is a man who stands out because of his height.

48. Concordar – to agree

Concordan con la mayoría de la lectura.

They agree with most of the lecture.

49. Comprobar – to prove

Es importante comprobar su punto en un ensayo.

It is important to prove your point in an essay.

50. Ponderar – to analyze

El pondera la cuestión durante una hora.

He analyzed the question for an hour.


This is, of course, by no means an extensive list of words to know, but familiarizing yourself with these AP Spanish vocabulary words can put you one step closer to scoring high on your exam.

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