By Daniel Kamau

Which wearable heart rate monitor fits your BPM training needs?

They used to be gadgets for only the elite athletes and amateur fitness geeks, but wearable heart rate monitors have now become mainstream gadgets, thanks to major sports-wear brands. In a few years, HRMs will be as commonplace as checking on your social pages interaction. However, tech manufacturers are now pushing BPM sensors into a large variety of products, making it difficult to find the best option for you tricky.

There is a huge collection of options on the market with various levels of compatibility, comfort, accuracy and convenience. But fear not: Here is a breakdown of the three different types of HRMs available.

Optical wrist monitors

Optical heart rate sensors utilize LED lights that shine light through your skin to measure heart rate. With every LED pulse, an optical sensor analyzes the intensity of light bouncing back. The process is called photoplethysmography (PPG). Blood absorbs more light and the difference in light levels is translated as your heart rate.

Chest strap monitors

The chest strap monitor works closely like a real medical ECG machine. It measures the electrical pulse. Its proximity, close to the heart, makes it one of the most effective HRM devices.

In-ear optomechanical monitors

This type of monitor is much like the wrist optical heart rate monitor, but in your ear. Optomechanical sensors shine light against your ear’s inside skin to detect blood flow and your energy consumption. Feedback generated is used to indicate the BPM reading. The ears are full of small blood vessels, which, in theory, mean that you would probably get a better reading than possible from the wrist.

Like any other tech purchase, you need to ask a few questions to help you narrow down the search for the right HRM for you. Some of these questions include:

  • Do you prefer a fitness tool that is compatible with a smartphone app or any other device?
  • What is more important to you – accuracy, convenience or comfort?
  • How long does the gadget’s battery last?
  • Do you want to see your heart rate readings in real time?

All these are some things you should be thinking about before you begin your search for wearable heart rate monitors.

All these are some things you should be thinking about before you begin your search for wearable heart rate monitors. In response to consumer demand, the wearable device market is growing. Such a device will help you keep track of your resting heart rate. Measuring your resting heart rate regularly is an excellent way of keeping you updated on your overall fitness. Plus, you get to spot your off-days. These are the days that you should take it easy and let your body recover. In order to know your accurate resting heart rate, measure it as soon as you have woken up. The heart rate can be affected by several factors not limited to smoking, stress or caffeine. Understanding your usual heart rate will help you know when you are pushing your workout or your lifestyle.

Heart rate monitors are also effective equipment to have while in the gym. While you can rest, catch your breath and take a sip of water, do not sit around staring at your TV too long that your heart rate goes beyond its optimum level.

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